contact me

An Important Message:

I would love to hear from you, but be aware that published authors are warned against reading unpublished manuscripts, proposals, or outlines. We're not even supposed to read rough ideas. All this because of a few unpleasant incidents involving accusations of stolen ideas, materials, etc. Lawsuits have been filed over this kind of thing, and some writers have even had to cancel books for fear their work might appear to have been lifted from elsewhere. I know it sounds a bit unfriendly, but please do not send me any ideas for your own book, ideas that you want me to write for you, or even suggestions for plots or characters for my own novels. I appreciate your interest, but I have no desire to find myself in a dicey legal situation—I leave that to the characters in my books!

Thanks for your understanding.

If you'd like to contact me for any other reason (i.e. to comment on my work or website), you can email me at:


Photo credits: home: writer owl by Tiryn Dudley; books & blurbs: stack of books, ginnerobot (flickr); awards & nominations: Oscar, The Trousered Ape (flickr); on writing: pen and nib, mbgrigby (flckr); on cooking: baklava, niquei (flickr); on the bookshelf: books and chair, happy via (flickr); contact me: keyboard by shaunamey (flickr)