
Rockin' the purple hair.

I grew up on stories of selkies, kelpies, dragons with riders who fight Thread, and hobbits who go on adventures and save the world. These left me with a deep love of folklore & mythology (I even took Comparative Mythology in university), all things fantastical, and a burning desire to create my own magical tales.

I’ve written historical fantasies and mysteries for adults, wildlife biology books for middle grades, and I'm currently having fun with middle grade fantasy. I've been nominated for a bunch of awards, though sadly never an Academy Award (which, let’s face it, is probably something of a long-shot seeing as I don’t actually work in the motion picture industry). 

I adore books, movies, board games, and opera, and I love going out in nature in search of cool things. I've seen a lynx in the wild, was once surrounded by a pack of wolves while picking blueberries, and I've been pooped on by many different species of bird. I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba with my husband, daughter, and five cats, three of which are curled up on my desk as I'm writing this (the other two are sitting at my feet hoping to be fed).

I hope you enjoy my site. Thanks for stopping by.